
140. 演講預告 (祥雲、太極、中國吉祥圖案與印度瑜伽修行的關係)


由Club O邀請有關吉祥圖案與中國印度古文化的演講詳情如下 (本來已張貼銅鑼灣中心但給人取走了)。到時想一同上路者無任歡迎。這活動如有必要可先安排一節在霎哈嘉中心 “預演” 一場,接受大家意見後再修改. (下面有連結 ).這兩星期小弟加了不少新資料, 請有關負責人安排時間,小弟也借了投影器。為時一小時。

Dear all,
There is an invitation for Edwin to give a talk on the relation of ancient auspicious and mystic symbols,Tai Chi logo and kundalini (india culture), in Club-O on 27 August (Thu).
please arrange a day in the Ashram, if we feel suitable, so Edwin will deliver the lecture first to Sahaj brothers and sisters and listen to your feedback and make necessary changes. I add some more details for the ppt in the last 2 weeks already.
Let me know the exact day so I will borrow a projector (if someone in the collective have one, even better) It will take an hour and I will run in Cantonese only.
Can be on Tue, Wed, or Friday program. Looking forward to official arrangement.

Details 詳情 :
Club O 星期四療癒晚會 (對方連結 http://www.club-o.org/modules/piCal/?smode=Monthly&action=View&event_id=0000001488&caldate=2009-8-13)
2009年 8月 27日 星期四
Club O 會址 :旺角亞皆老街80號昌明大廈7樓G座 (地圖按此http://www.club-o.org/images/map.jpg )[ 黑布街入 ]

8月27日 ★ 祥雲、太極、中國吉祥圖案與印度瑜伽修行的關係

