
146. 一點翻譯心得(二) - truth is what it is

再分享一些翻譯心得,以下片語常出現在Shri Mataji 的演講裡,有時給人翻譯錯了。

“… is what it is” -
“x is what it is”的意思是「x是如其所如的」,例一和二譯出來就是:「……我/你們要知道,真理是如其所如的……」。

基督教聖經舊約裡的名句,上帝被問到「你是誰」時,向人類表明身分時所說 “I am that I am.” 中文和合本聖經譯成「我是自有永有的」,顯然是誤譯,應該是:「我是如其所如的。」( 聞說希伯來原文意思大概是「我過去如是,將來也如是。」

例1 (母親公開演說): “I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualize it. Unfortunately at this human level we cannot feel it, we cannot know it. We have to be the spirit to know the truth…”
(1992 – July 24 – Public Talk, Paris Gaveau, France)

例2 (母親公開演說): “I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset you have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it and we cannot conceptualize it. Also unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot feel the truth, so something has to be done, something has to work out in our human awareness in the evolutionary process…”( Newcastle, near Sydney, Australia on the 28th February 1992)

例3 (對霎哈嘉士講道) “…I’m very happy these simple Muslims who met me, they were in a shop selling something, and they were so sweet and so beautiful. They didn’t say: “you are not Mohammed!”, nothing of the kind. They said, this is what Mohammed has said, that at the time of the resurrection, your-hands will speak, and what are these people fighting for, you see this what it is….” ( Talk on Nabhi Chakra and Prophet Mohammed on January 31, March, 1983)

