
101. 打字( 寫文章) 和 namaska

在日本練習者的博客找到以下這一段引言,講的是打字(寫文章)和 namaska (合十見禮之意)有關的。就翻譯母親的那段話出來,前面的資料就無時間譯喇。我倆應是大家認識的。


"namaskar" originally comes from sanskrit language, and is derived from three words:
namah + om + kar = namaskar

-"namah" is actually derived from "na" and "ma". In sanskrit, "na" reflects a simple negation , and "ma" points to ego, referring "I" or "my". Thus, "nama" or "namah" literally means NOT ME or a negation to one's identity or one's ego or arrogance. The meaning "namah" can also be taken as bending, bowing, humbly submitting and becoming silent.

-"om" is the short form of "AUM", the primordial sound. It is believed that the whole universe/cosmos is generated from one primordial sound or word (see Upanishads from Hiduism and John 1:1 in New Testament).

-"kar" means "shape/form of" or "manifestation of" . Thus, "omkar" means manifestation of "om", that is the WHOLE universe/cosmos.
“Before typing you just say ‘namaskar’ to that work that you have to do, just like that. And then you start doing the work as if you are not doing it. You are just doing it - typing. You are just typing, that’s all. You’re not doing it. You’re not doing anything. Some people say, ‘Mother, you travel so much.’ I never travel. I’m sitting or I’m walking. Where do I travel? It is the plane that travels. I’m just sitting in the plane. I never travel like a Superman. I am sitting very nicely. Where do I travel? If I Start thinking, ‘I travel very much, I do this work, I do that work, “somebody would say, ‘Mother, you do so much work.’ I mean I don’t do anything. I tell you, really, I don’t do anything.“

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Hamsa Puja 1991

「打字之前,你要向工作說句 “namaska” ,就是這樣。然後你開始工作,好像你不在做任何事情。你只是在做 ── 打字。你只是打字,就是了,別無其他的。你不是在做這事。你不在做任何事。有人說:『母親你出門遠行太多了。』我從不出門。我只是坐着,或行走。我到哪裡遠行呢?是飛機在遠行而已。我只是坐在飛機裡。我從不像超人一般遠行。我安然地坐着。我到哪裡遠行呢?假如我開始去想:『我出門遠行太多了,我在做這事,做那事。』就有人會想,『母親,你做了太多工作。』我是說我沒有做任何事。我告訴你,真確的,我沒有做任何事。」

錫呂‧瑪塔吉‧涅瑪拉‧德維 (講於1991年明善輪普祭 )



