目的地︰南涌,南涌位於沙頭角鹿頸附近,在上水坐小巴約半小時到達。從鹿頸可遠眺深圳,魚塘芳草夾道,近岸小島為鷺的棲息地,境色優美,漫步約一小時,可到達屏嘉石澗,該石澗以壺穴聞名,石澗間有大水池,我等玩水、泡足、暢泳。晚上回到上水火車站附近一同吃飯才和平散去。Mic 的照片。
Destination : Nam Chung, which is near the HK and China border, around Sha Tau Kok ( Lok Keung )overlooking the western port of Shengzhen. It takes half an hour by mini bus/bus from Sheung Shui station to Nam Chung. There are a lot of fish ponds. Nam Chung is also famous for bird watching. After about an hour walk, we reached a water gap or a river. Small ponds are created by the water gap. We did foot-soaking and swam in the ponds. Before we said good-bye to each other and dispersed peacefully, we had dinner together at ShunShui.
Pictures by Mic Wong