
149. 今天功課是:什麼也不要做



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A Cherokee Elder (North Indo-American Tribe) was teaching his grand children about life.
He said to them, "A battle is raging inside me, it is a terrible fight between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.
The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility,kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The old man fixed the children with a firm stare. "This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."
They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?".
The old Grandpa replied: "The one you feed."

1 則留言:

al 說...

想問您我想找1983還94年Shri Mataji在英國(?)講Kudalini的lecture,不知可以在網上哪裡可找到?例如有哪個site有把她所有演講都收列其中?請幫忙,因想找點相關資料.