小師妹經常用廣東話來打blog,為方便國內同道,特加插一節「廣東話」速成班 (唔使錢咖),益街坊及兄弟姊妹們。
其實廣東話不難看懂,只是近年年輕人愛用諧音,貪圖打字快。以下資料, 看看是否幫到你 (廣東話是 “睇下幫唔幫倒你”)
睇下 = 看看
睇黎 = 看來
唔好 = 不要 ( “唔” 簡寫變種 >> 5 / 五)
唔係 = 不是 ( “唔” 簡寫變種 >> 5 / 五)
唔使 = 不用 ( “唔” 簡寫變種 >> 5 / 五)
咁樣 = 這樣 / 那麼 ( “咁” 簡寫變種 >> 甘)
果種 = 那一類
果度 = 那兒/ 那裡
呢度 / 依度 = 這裡
係呢度 = 在這裡 (變種>>係度 )
呢 D / 果D= 這些 / 那些
嘢 (野) = 東西
係唔係 = 是不是 (簡寫變種 >> 係咪 >>係米)
點解 = 為什麼
邊個 / 隊 = 哪一個 / 隊
邊處有 = 哪裡有 ( >> 邊有)
依加/ 加陣 = 現在 (>> E+)
師兄 >> c 兄/ C hing
xx先知 = xx 才知道
xx下= xx一下
諗 (稔 ) = 想
噶 = 的 (變種 >> 既 )
佢地 / 我地 = 他們 / 我們
幾時 (几時) = 什麼時候
成日= 經常
話 = 說
助語詞 (有些原本就是有音無字,只可借用別字 ):
咖=㗎 >> 架
姐 ( ~ 而已)
咩 = 嗎 / 什麼
137. Sahaj Holy Trip to China June 2009 (reflection of Uncle Eknath )
Dear all,
Copied below is what I just received - the write-up of Uncle Eknath for his trip to HK and Mainland China. Enjoy.
Dear Suzanne and Edwin
I am really thankful to You and all the Collectivity of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, qindoa,Dali an etc.for giving us the Mother's Love.Please convey the message to all collectivity.
Sahaja Yoga (Holy) Trip To China (8th June to 6th July 2009) by Sahaji, Uncle ( Eknath Karande) and Sunil Bhagit.
By the Grace of Mother, Shri Mataji, I, as a Child, left Mumbai, for Hong Kong on 8th June 2009 with Sunil the Most wanted Singer to China Collectivity. On reaching to Hong Kong Air port we ware given the Grand, very very Co-ordial and Loving Reception by our beloved so called Mothers- (Yoginis) Mrs. Paulinz and Suzanne. We ware taken to Sahaj Ashram Hong Kong where we enjoyed our stay.
Our Care -Marvelous
We ware really looked after like Children and taken care of every thing including our food right from break fast, lunch and dinner every day, some times cocking in ashram by Mother Yoginis or in different restaurants. We enjoyed food habits of Chines, non spicy, easy to digest with herbal tea and so on. It’s memorable that we LOVED and ENJOIED all the times Eating Chines food with Collectivity in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Qindao, Qu Fu and Dalian.
Oh You all! My Dear Mother’s Devoties –Yogis and Yoginis,! what a Beautiful Love you imparted rather Injected in me to be so Humble, Compassion and what not. As per Mother’s Teaching to me “To be a Child----- “ so I enjoyed a month’s stay in Hong Kong and various parts of China with out any Problem- Physically, Mentally or Spiritually. Moreover with your Love which I experienced as Mother’s Love, hence i, the UNCLE got more and more purified, cleansed and further elevated spiritually by merging Physically and Mentally i.e. body, mind and intelligent in to Spirit, nothing but a Child that’s the I, the Messenger of Mother- Shri Mataji. That’s what the Desire of our Mother I am committed to fulfill IT. So I looked You all Yogis and Yoginis as MOTHER ONLY. That’s the Oneness and only Oneness and nothing else. This was my Witness state, I enjoyed it. So I pray you all in the form of Mother because our Mother does Puja of Your’s.
During this Trip period, I experienced the total Detachment of my Dears and Nears, Kith and Kins and all about India and the World. All I enjoyed with the Universal Love of Mother with You, the Yogis and Yoginis of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Qindao(China Seminar), Dali an and Guangzhou. I watched myself climbing ahead in to the new Path of righteousness of goodness, compassion and love. Yes I have followed only my Mother and Mother’s teaching what may be the situation. It made me to enjoy everybody’s Pure Love and Love only. And it’s my Pure Love for everyone else. That’s all the beauty of life, the Joy and Joy.
Really it’s memorable experience that collective Singing, Dancing and Chanting “Mataji Mataji----” “Sare Jagame Teri Dhum—“and so on at all Sahaj Centers and everywhere in Public Programs even at Sea Shore which made us ONE, ALL PERVADING POWER OF DIVINE LOVE,GOD’S LOVE that’s MOTHER’S LOVE. This is Sahaj Yoga, the Gift of Love to the Universes, gifted by Her Holiness Shri Mataji NIRMALA DEVI and we are the Selected Hands of Shri Mataji as “Sahaj Yogis and Yoginis” to spread Sahaja Yoga in the Universes as per Her Desire.
This is what, we are doing, trying and really Spreading the “Truth” to the Universe that we are the “Spirit” the “Love” and Shri Mataji is the Universal Power, the Primordial Mother –The Adi Shakti—the “Ocean of Love”.
Copied below is what I just received - the write-up of Uncle Eknath for his trip to HK and Mainland China. Enjoy.
Dear Suzanne and Edwin
I am really thankful to You and all the Collectivity of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, qindoa,Dali an etc.for giving us the Mother's Love.Please convey the message to all collectivity.
Sahaja Yoga (Holy) Trip To China (8th June to 6th July 2009) by Sahaji, Uncle ( Eknath Karande) and Sunil Bhagit.
By the Grace of Mother, Shri Mataji, I, as a Child, left Mumbai, for Hong Kong on 8th June 2009 with Sunil the Most wanted Singer to China Collectivity. On reaching to Hong Kong Air port we ware given the Grand, very very Co-ordial and Loving Reception by our beloved so called Mothers- (Yoginis) Mrs. Paulinz and Suzanne. We ware taken to Sahaj Ashram Hong Kong where we enjoyed our stay.
Our Care -Marvelous
We ware really looked after like Children and taken care of every thing including our food right from break fast, lunch and dinner every day, some times cocking in ashram by Mother Yoginis or in different restaurants. We enjoyed food habits of Chines, non spicy, easy to digest with herbal tea and so on. It’s memorable that we LOVED and ENJOIED all the times Eating Chines food with Collectivity in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Qindao, Qu Fu and Dalian.
Oh You all! My Dear Mother’s Devoties –Yogis and Yoginis,! what a Beautiful Love you imparted rather Injected in me to be so Humble, Compassion and what not. As per Mother’s Teaching to me “To be a Child----- “ so I enjoyed a month’s stay in Hong Kong and various parts of China with out any Problem- Physically, Mentally or Spiritually. Moreover with your Love which I experienced as Mother’s Love, hence i, the UNCLE got more and more purified, cleansed and further elevated spiritually by merging Physically and Mentally i.e. body, mind and intelligent in to Spirit, nothing but a Child that’s the I, the Messenger of Mother- Shri Mataji. That’s what the Desire of our Mother I am committed to fulfill IT. So I looked You all Yogis and Yoginis as MOTHER ONLY. That’s the Oneness and only Oneness and nothing else. This was my Witness state, I enjoyed it. So I pray you all in the form of Mother because our Mother does Puja of Your’s.
During this Trip period, I experienced the total Detachment of my Dears and Nears, Kith and Kins and all about India and the World. All I enjoyed with the Universal Love of Mother with You, the Yogis and Yoginis of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Qindao(China Seminar), Dali an and Guangzhou. I watched myself climbing ahead in to the new Path of righteousness of goodness, compassion and love. Yes I have followed only my Mother and Mother’s teaching what may be the situation. It made me to enjoy everybody’s Pure Love and Love only. And it’s my Pure Love for everyone else. That’s all the beauty of life, the Joy and Joy.
Really it’s memorable experience that collective Singing, Dancing and Chanting “Mataji Mataji----” “Sare Jagame Teri Dhum—“and so on at all Sahaj Centers and everywhere in Public Programs even at Sea Shore which made us ONE, ALL PERVADING POWER OF DIVINE LOVE,GOD’S LOVE that’s MOTHER’S LOVE. This is Sahaj Yoga, the Gift of Love to the Universes, gifted by Her Holiness Shri Mataji NIRMALA DEVI and we are the Selected Hands of Shri Mataji as “Sahaj Yogis and Yoginis” to spread Sahaja Yoga in the Universes as per Her Desire.
This is what, we are doing, trying and really Spreading the “Truth” to the Universe that we are the “Spirit” the “Love” and Shri Mataji is the Universal Power, the Primordial Mother –The Adi Shakti—the “Ocean of Love”.
136.憶送別印度的Sunil 和Uncle - 想起義大利Ekakarita 這張CD
(1) 幾天前送別印度的 Sunil 和 Uncle Eknath,一直想寫點點片言隻語,好作紀錄。這次他倆到香港和中國大陸,的確為我們帶來了很大的啟發、反省和喜悅。 
他倆剛到港時帶領我們練習和參與公開表演後,都已寫過一點點關於Sunil 的,再複述如下:
「他的風格很強烈的投射出來的訊息是:謙卑、單純和虔敬,還有是很草根的風格,多高超的技巧也不會令人感到是『表現自我』。這正正活出了印度拜讚音樂的原本真正意義,給我們很大的啟發和反省。練習時他也沒有強迫我們什麼,意見提出來時,總是有點無可無不可,但很快大家能掌握為什麼他這樣提出來,怎樣才有最佳效果。」 (寫於6月20表演回顧 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/faisaha/article?new=1&mid=1279輝耍自娛)
機場送別後,回程時,素珊問我有沒有發覺,他倆一直只著重「心法」,少講「技法」。而心法才應該是Shri Mataji教導的重點。我點頭。沒有錯。只要多看母親這麼多年來的教導,不難發現大方向和重點在哪裡。何況,霎哈嘉在梵文的意思正是自然而然。即東方哲學中的「隨緣」。所謂諸法唯心 -- 何謂「修行」?就是要在行為和心理兩方面都管束自己,而非去管束人家,去表現自我。之後我倆就「隨緣」、「交託」、「自我」、「包容」幾方面交流了很多,直到回到市區……
(2) 他倆來華期間,正好在家中找到一張義大利群體的拜讚CD,以Ekakarita為題,播了幾次。無論標題和內容都令我感慨,但又有另一種啟示。
封底引述Shri Mataji 的一段講話: “…evolved Sahaja Yogis means they are become one. One means what? One means they all live for each other, they enjoy each other, they see the comfort of each other. For example, the people who are very rich, people who are very poor, people who are very sick, people who are healthy, all of them combine together, as one. In Sanskrit is called ekakarita.
To find out what this ekakarita you have to go deep down into yourself. By which you will feel that you are all one, whether you are here or your are in Japan, or in America, anywhere.” (Ganesha Puja 1998, Cabella)
對。音樂的功用正正也一樣,要為集體帶來合一,而非分裂;也非為了一己小我的自我膨脹和權力欲。也許這是母親要藉着這張CD給我們的啟示吧。如果看見身邊有人掉進了這些陷阱,我們只可以說實屬不幸 ( 對那些人的不幸,也是集體的不幸 ),唯有包容,唯有交託。
(3) 這張義大利拜讚歌團CD,錄音取自幾次不同場合。這是義大利群體在2006年主辦導師普祭時送給參加者的禮物。當中領唱的,應該是Devida的爸爸 (Devida就是來了中國一年懂說中文那位年輕人。) 在卡貝拉普祭,很多時會見到這位老前輩。不是指表演,而是在沒有活動時他總會引發其他人圍起來享受隨心的音樂。他是專業音樂教師,地位就等如澳洲的John Smiley。而且因為一把年紀,更是德高望重。一次在達里奧青少年營,他對我們說,他接受西方音樂長大,接觸印度音樂後才知天外有天,很多東西仍感到很難講解 (很玄?)。
這張CD有趣之處是,uncle和一眾成員投放出來給聽眾的觀感,除「喜悅」和「合群」之外,還有就是這種「隨意、隨緣」,不拘泥什麼叫準確無誤,什麼叫地道印度風格 (電子琴都有);更不介意自己聲譽因點點瑕疵而受損。很明顯,有多處顯露練習和默契不足。那又如何?國際禮物又如何?
他倆剛到港時帶領我們練習和參與公開表演後,都已寫過一點點關於Sunil 的,再複述如下:
「他的風格很強烈的投射出來的訊息是:謙卑、單純和虔敬,還有是很草根的風格,多高超的技巧也不會令人感到是『表現自我』。這正正活出了印度拜讚音樂的原本真正意義,給我們很大的啟發和反省。練習時他也沒有強迫我們什麼,意見提出來時,總是有點無可無不可,但很快大家能掌握為什麼他這樣提出來,怎樣才有最佳效果。」 (寫於6月20表演回顧 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/faisaha/article?new=1&mid=1279輝耍自娛)
機場送別後,回程時,素珊問我有沒有發覺,他倆一直只著重「心法」,少講「技法」。而心法才應該是Shri Mataji教導的重點。我點頭。沒有錯。只要多看母親這麼多年來的教導,不難發現大方向和重點在哪裡。何況,霎哈嘉在梵文的意思正是自然而然。即東方哲學中的「隨緣」。所謂諸法唯心 -- 何謂「修行」?就是要在行為和心理兩方面都管束自己,而非去管束人家,去表現自我。之後我倆就「隨緣」、「交託」、「自我」、「包容」幾方面交流了很多,直到回到市區……
(2) 他倆來華期間,正好在家中找到一張義大利群體的拜讚CD,以Ekakarita為題,播了幾次。無論標題和內容都令我感慨,但又有另一種啟示。
封底引述Shri Mataji 的一段講話: “…evolved Sahaja Yogis means they are become one. One means what? One means they all live for each other, they enjoy each other, they see the comfort of each other. For example, the people who are very rich, people who are very poor, people who are very sick, people who are healthy, all of them combine together, as one. In Sanskrit is called ekakarita.
To find out what this ekakarita you have to go deep down into yourself. By which you will feel that you are all one, whether you are here or your are in Japan, or in America, anywhere.” (Ganesha Puja 1998, Cabella)
對。音樂的功用正正也一樣,要為集體帶來合一,而非分裂;也非為了一己小我的自我膨脹和權力欲。也許這是母親要藉着這張CD給我們的啟示吧。如果看見身邊有人掉進了這些陷阱,我們只可以說實屬不幸 ( 對那些人的不幸,也是集體的不幸 ),唯有包容,唯有交託。
(3) 這張義大利拜讚歌團CD,錄音取自幾次不同場合。這是義大利群體在2006年主辦導師普祭時送給參加者的禮物。當中領唱的,應該是Devida的爸爸 (Devida就是來了中國一年懂說中文那位年輕人。) 在卡貝拉普祭,很多時會見到這位老前輩。不是指表演,而是在沒有活動時他總會引發其他人圍起來享受隨心的音樂。他是專業音樂教師,地位就等如澳洲的John Smiley。而且因為一把年紀,更是德高望重。一次在達里奧青少年營,他對我們說,他接受西方音樂長大,接觸印度音樂後才知天外有天,很多東西仍感到很難講解 (很玄?)。
這張CD有趣之處是,uncle和一眾成員投放出來給聽眾的觀感,除「喜悅」和「合群」之外,還有就是這種「隨意、隨緣」,不拘泥什麼叫準確無誤,什麼叫地道印度風格 (電子琴都有);更不介意自己聲譽因點點瑕疵而受損。很明顯,有多處顯露練習和默契不足。那又如何?國際禮物又如何?
135. 達爾文大戰香港基督教勢力
無意中發現明珠台"pearl report"近來有咁正嘅一集,post 上黎大家分享下/ 反思下:http://mytv.tvb.com/news/pearlreport/30542(有中文字幕, 26分半鐘)
Part 1: “Theory of Evolution VS Intelligent Design” ;
Part 2 “The Rise of Christian Right in Hong Kong”
First part of the documentary talks about debate of allowing “ Intelligent Design” ( i.e. creationism) in biology lessons in Hong Kong. The second part explores the phenomenon of dominance of right wing Christians in HK, from top government decision-makers down to middle class social sectors.
Great documentary with good inspirations.
紀錄片分兩部分。第一部分為主菜,講高中生物課程爭議 (進化論迎戰創造論的挑戰 )。下半部分竟借題發揮,順勢探討香港基督教右翼勢力抬頭與大批基督徒執掌政府高層的關係和影響。你唔關心宗教或教育,都要睇下,因為你的生活已經受影響。
[ 簡介:今年是達爾文的200歲誕辰,也是他提出著名「進化論」的150周年紀念。達爾文的進化論大大動搖基督信仰,因為人的起源不再是神的創造,而是從生物單位開始進化。時至今日,一些保守基督徒甚至提出要在生物課中,向學生教授神創造宇宙的宗教理論。這種爭議,反映出香港一個社會現象:基督徒權益的上升。[ 注意:這視頻會一年後或可能更早刪除, 日後自己在網上找尋其他封存紀錄。]
(2) 2009年6月26日﹐(香港;英文)南華早報也報道類同題目﹐教育局公佈表示﹐智慧設計與神創論不是新高中生物科課程一部份﹐也不是科學解釋。標題說﹐神創論被排除出高中課程。在一份傳媒獲得的教育局通過第五段說﹐在兩份提交給立法會教育事務委員會的意見書提及的智慧設計與神創論不是新高中生物科課程一部份﹔而在第六段說﹐課堂上討論的另外解釋中﹐不會包括非科學的解釋。港大理學院院長郭新與生物學家 David Dudgeon 都對此表示高興。Victory for Darwin SCMP Liz Heron, June 26 2009
全文按此 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/faisaha/article?mid=1318&prev=1323&next=1313
Part 1: “Theory of Evolution VS Intelligent Design” ;
Part 2 “The Rise of Christian Right in Hong Kong”
First part of the documentary talks about debate of allowing “ Intelligent Design” ( i.e. creationism) in biology lessons in Hong Kong. The second part explores the phenomenon of dominance of right wing Christians in HK, from top government decision-makers down to middle class social sectors.
Great documentary with good inspirations.
紀錄片分兩部分。第一部分為主菜,講高中生物課程爭議 (進化論迎戰創造論的挑戰 )。下半部分竟借題發揮,順勢探討香港基督教右翼勢力抬頭與大批基督徒執掌政府高層的關係和影響。你唔關心宗教或教育,都要睇下,因為你的生活已經受影響。
[ 簡介:今年是達爾文的200歲誕辰,也是他提出著名「進化論」的150周年紀念。達爾文的進化論大大動搖基督信仰,因為人的起源不再是神的創造,而是從生物單位開始進化。時至今日,一些保守基督徒甚至提出要在生物課中,向學生教授神創造宇宙的宗教理論。這種爭議,反映出香港一個社會現象:基督徒權益的上升。[ 注意:這視頻會一年後或可能更早刪除, 日後自己在網上找尋其他封存紀錄。]
(2) 2009年6月26日﹐(香港;英文)南華早報也報道類同題目﹐教育局公佈表示﹐智慧設計與神創論不是新高中生物科課程一部份﹐也不是科學解釋。標題說﹐神創論被排除出高中課程。在一份傳媒獲得的教育局通過第五段說﹐在兩份提交給立法會教育事務委員會的意見書提及的智慧設計與神創論不是新高中生物科課程一部份﹔而在第六段說﹐課堂上討論的另外解釋中﹐不會包括非科學的解釋。港大理學院院長郭新與生物學家 David Dudgeon 都對此表示高興。Victory for Darwin SCMP Liz Heron, June 26 2009
全文按此 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/faisaha/article?mid=1318&prev=1323&next=1313
134.大話西遊(1)- 猴神身世之迷+Shri Hanuman Chalisa

學者考證,中國西遊記中的猴王齊天大聖,應是從印度古經典 -[ 羅摩衍那]取得靈感的。
要明白印度猴神身世之迷, 就一定先要明白有關的印度神話,買本印度神話集先做功課是必須。尤其要看有名的古經典Ramayana。中譯本叫 [羅摩衍那](季羨林、黃寶生譯)。 季羨林是中國當代一代梵文泰斗。黃寶生也是有名的梵文專家。
要明白印度猴神身世之迷, 就一定先要明白有關的印度神話,買本印度神話集先做功課是必須。尤其要看有名的古經典Ramayana。中譯本叫 [羅摩衍那](季羨林、黃寶生譯)。 季羨林是中國當代一代梵文泰斗。黃寶生也是有名的梵文專家。
至少要看看[羅摩衍那]的網上評論或摘要版,例如: http://www.hawh.cn:82/gate/big5/www.hawh.cn/html/20070315/238170.html http://library.ust.hk/info/libtalk/07-ramayana.html
訂購[羅摩衍那] http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010292709
有名的猴神哈奴曼四十頌文 (Shri Hanuman Chalisa),是中古時印度聖人Tulsida (1532-1623)所作,不單以詩歌敘述猴神一生(他與羅摩的交往和忠義的情懷,他的大能等等),也在印度人心中演成了是一篇流芳百世的重要經文。
有名的猴神哈奴曼四十頌文 (Shri Hanuman Chalisa),是中古時印度聖人Tulsida (1532-1623)所作,不單以詩歌敘述猴神一生(他與羅摩的交往和忠義的情懷,他的大能等等),也在印度人心中演成了是一篇流芳百世的重要經文。

印度人相信,Shri Hanuman Chalisa當禱文來用,歌頌猴神的大能,能令自己更明白對神的敬愛和虔誠的最高智慧;也獲得祂的加持,能突破人生的困難。
頌唱版有好几個,先看這個最多印度教徒用的版本 (Video中有 頌唱示範及羅馬化歌詞) http://www.allbhajans.com/hanuman-chalisa/

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